Thursday, May 19, 2011

The White Room

We all live in a very large house with four floors which used to house a community of nuns.  The lower level contains a banquet-like hall with huge windows and commercial kitchen.  We've been discussing how we can use the hall for different uses, from displaying art to providing workspace to performances.  This past Easter, we transformed the room from it's normal state to what you see in the video above and the photos below. Thanks to Stefan for putting the video together. More details after the jump. 

Using Walter Brueggemann's model of orientation—disorientation—new orientation and armed with several rolls of German newsprint, we set out to cover every inch of the room with paper, including furniture, to transform it into a space for reflection and response.  

More paper and rope hung at different angles.

Small stamps, clothespins and a Psalter were placed in the room.  Three phases of Psalms were stamped out.

Good Friday and Easter tell of ultimate death and - life.  Can you discover the three phases in your own life: orientation, disorientation and reorientation?

At what stage you are at currently with God? Add your own personal Psalm. Print it on the floor, the furniture, the walls...

People printed on the ground (orientation), tore, ripped and crumpled sheets (disorientation), and hung paper from the strings (new orientation) in all kinds of forms.  
The result was a quiet and powerful installation of our individual spiritual lives.

More images on Picasa.

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